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工具 / SelectionUtil

SelectionUtil Class


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drawGameObjectSelectionBox(StartPoint: Vector2, EndPoint: Vector2, Color: LinearColor, DurationTime?: number): void client
getGameObjectBySelectionBox(StartPoint: Vector2, EndPoint: Vector2, IsIncludeNonCollidingObjects?: boolean, IsUseObjectsBoundingBox?: boolean): HitResult[] client
setGlobalOutlineParams(Width?: number, CoveredAlpha?: number, CoveredEdgeAlpha?: number, NotCoveredAlpha?: number, NotCoveredEdgeAlpha?: number): void client



Static drawGameObjectSelectionBox(StartPoint, EndPoint, Color, DurationTime?): void client



StartPoint Vector2鼠标开始位置
EndPoint Vector2鼠标结束位置
Color LinearColor选择框颜色
DurationTime? number显示时间 default:0.1 range:不做限制 type:浮点数
使用示例:创建一个名为SelectionExample的脚本,放置在对象栏中,打开脚本,将原本内容修改为如下内容,保存并运行游戏,鼠标左键框选物体,会绘制出选择框。(注意,进入游戏框选可能会受到 UI 影响不好框选,请打开 DefaultUI ,选中 TouchPadDesigner 对象属性中是否被鼠标控制选中false)
export default class SelectionExample extends Script {

    touchIndexesStart: Map<number, Vector2> = new Map<number, Vector2>();
    selectedGoes: Array<HitResult> = [];
    touch: TouchInput;

    async onStart() {
        this.touch = new TouchInput();
        await Player.asyncGetLocalPlayer();
        this.touch.onTouch.add((index, location, type) => {
            console.log("ontouch", index, location, type);
            if (type == TouchInputType.TouchBegin) {
                this.onTouchBegin(index, location);
            else if (type == TouchInputType.TouchMove) {
                this.onTouchMove(index, location);

    // 开始触摸屏幕,记录初始位置
    onTouchBegin(index: number, location: Vector2) {
        this.touchIndexesStart.set(index, location);

    // 触摸移动, 绘制选择框
    onTouchMove(index: number, location: Vector2) {
        let start = this.touchIndexesStart.get(index);
        if (!start) { return;
        SelectionUtil.drawGameObjectSelectionBox(start, location,, 0.03);
export default class SelectionExample extends Script {

    touchIndexesStart: Map<number, Vector2> = new Map<number, Vector2>();
    selectedGoes: Array<HitResult> = [];
    touch: TouchInput;

    async onStart() {
        this.touch = new TouchInput();
        await Player.asyncGetLocalPlayer();
        this.touch.onTouch.add((index, location, type) => {
            console.log("ontouch", index, location, type);
            if (type == TouchInputType.TouchBegin) {
                this.onTouchBegin(index, location);
            else if (type == TouchInputType.TouchMove) {
                this.onTouchMove(index, location);

    // 开始触摸屏幕,记录初始位置
    onTouchBegin(index: number, location: Vector2) {
        this.touchIndexesStart.set(index, location);

    // 触摸移动, 绘制选择框
    onTouchMove(index: number, location: Vector2) {
        let start = this.touchIndexesStart.get(index);
        if (!start) { return;
        SelectionUtil.drawGameObjectSelectionBox(start, location,, 0.03);


Static getGameObjectBySelectionBox(StartPoint, EndPoint, IsIncludeNonCollidingObjects?, IsUseObjectsBoundingBox?): HitResult[] client



StartPoint Vector2鼠标开始位置
EndPoint Vector2鼠标结束位置
IsIncludeNonCollidingObjects? boolean是否包含物体非碰撞组件 default:false
IsUseObjectsBoundingBox? boolean是否使用物体包围盒 default:false


使用示例:创建一个名为SelectionExample的脚本,放置在对象栏中,打开脚本,将原本内容修改为如下内容,保存并运行游戏,鼠标左键框选物体,会将框选的物体描边(注意,进入游戏框选可能会受到 UI 影响不好框选,请打开 DefaultUI ,选中 TouchPadDesigner 对象属性中是否被鼠标控制选中false)
export default class SelectionExample extends Script {

    touchIndexesStart: Map<number, Vector2> = new Map<number, Vector2>();
    selectedGoes: Array<HitResult> = [];
    touch: TouchInput;

    async onStart() {
        this.touch = new TouchInput();
        await Player.asyncGetLocalPlayer();
        this.touch.onTouch.add((index, location, type) => {
            console.log("ontouch", index, location, type);
            if (type == TouchInputType.TouchBegin) {
                this.onTouchBegin(index, location);
            } else if (type == TouchInputType.TouchMove) {
                this.onTouchMove(index, location);
            } else if (type == TouchInputType.TouchEnd) {
                this.onTouchEnd(index, location);

    private creatObjs() {
        const cubeAssetId = "197386";
        for (let i = 0;
i < 50;
i++) {
            GameObject.asyncSpawn<Model>(cubeAssetId).then(obj => {
                obj.worldTransform.position = new Vector(MathUtil.randomInt(-500, 500), MathUtil.randomInt(-500, 500), MathUtil.randomInt(-500, 500));

    // 开始触摸屏幕,记录初始位置
    private onTouchBegin(index: number, location: Vector2) {
        this.touchIndexesStart.set(index, location);

    // 触摸移动, 绘制选择框
    private onTouchMove(index: number, location: Vector2) {
        let start = this.touchIndexesStart.get(index);
        if (!start) { return;
        SelectionUtil.drawGameObjectSelectionBox(start, location,, 0.03);

    // 触摸结束,框选对象
    private onTouchEnd(index: number, location: Vector2) {
        let start = this.touchIndexesStart.get(index);
        if (!start) { return;
        // 取消上一次框选对象的描边
        this.selectedGoes.forEach(result => {
            let mesh = result.gameObject as Model;
            mesh.setPostProcessOutline(false,, 1);
        // 框选对象
        this.selectedGoes = SelectionUtil.getGameObjectBySelectionBox(start, location, false, false).filter(result => (result.gameObject instanceof StaticMesh));
        // 未框选对象添加描边
        this.selectedGoes.forEach(result => {
            let mesh = result.gameObject as Model;
            mesh.setPostProcessOutline(true,, 1);
        SelectionUtil.setGlobalOutlineParams(4, 0, 0, 0, 1);

export default class SelectionExample extends Script {

    touchIndexesStart: Map<number, Vector2> = new Map<number, Vector2>();
    selectedGoes: Array<HitResult> = [];
    touch: TouchInput;

    async onStart() {
        this.touch = new TouchInput();
        await Player.asyncGetLocalPlayer();
        this.touch.onTouch.add((index, location, type) => {
            console.log("ontouch", index, location, type);
            if (type == TouchInputType.TouchBegin) {
                this.onTouchBegin(index, location);
            } else if (type == TouchInputType.TouchMove) {
                this.onTouchMove(index, location);
            } else if (type == TouchInputType.TouchEnd) {
                this.onTouchEnd(index, location);

    private creatObjs() {
        const cubeAssetId = "197386";
        for (let i = 0;
i < 50;
i++) {
            GameObject.asyncSpawn<Model>(cubeAssetId).then(obj => {
                obj.worldTransform.position = new Vector(MathUtil.randomInt(-500, 500), MathUtil.randomInt(-500, 500), MathUtil.randomInt(-500, 500));

    // 开始触摸屏幕,记录初始位置
    private onTouchBegin(index: number, location: Vector2) {
        this.touchIndexesStart.set(index, location);

    // 触摸移动, 绘制选择框
    private onTouchMove(index: number, location: Vector2) {
        let start = this.touchIndexesStart.get(index);
        if (!start) { return;
        SelectionUtil.drawGameObjectSelectionBox(start, location,, 0.03);

    // 触摸结束,框选对象
    private onTouchEnd(index: number, location: Vector2) {
        let start = this.touchIndexesStart.get(index);
        if (!start) { return;
        // 取消上一次框选对象的描边
        this.selectedGoes.forEach(result => {
            let mesh = result.gameObject as Model;
            mesh.setPostProcessOutline(false,, 1);
        // 框选对象
        this.selectedGoes = SelectionUtil.getGameObjectBySelectionBox(start, location, false, false).filter(result => (result.gameObject instanceof StaticMesh));
        // 未框选对象添加描边
        this.selectedGoes.forEach(result => {
            let mesh = result.gameObject as Model;
            mesh.setPostProcessOutline(true,, 1);
        SelectionUtil.setGlobalOutlineParams(4, 0, 0, 0, 1);



Static setGlobalOutlineParams(Width?, CoveredAlpha?, CoveredEdgeAlpha?, NotCoveredAlpha?, NotCoveredEdgeAlpha?): void client



Width? number描边宽度 default:2 range:[0, 4] 数值越大,描边宽度越大 type:浮点数
CoveredAlpha? number被遮挡部分高亮透明度 default:0 range:[0, 1] 数值越大,越不透明 type:浮点数
CoveredEdgeAlpha? number被遮挡部分描边透明度 default:1 range:[0, 1] 数值越大,越不透明 type:浮点数
NotCoveredAlpha? number未被遮挡部分高亮透明度 default:0 range:[0, 1] 数值越大,越不透明 type:浮点数
NotCoveredEdgeAlpha? number未被遮挡部分描边透明度 default:1 range:[0, 1] 数值越大,越不透明 type:浮点数